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Seal Sands

Seal sands 4

Just down the road from Seaton Carew, amongst the heavy industrial plants of the Teeside estuary, is a spot we visit frequently. This is the most unlikely place to find wildlife and yet here, amongst the pylons and chimneys, is an incredible place; a home to hundreds of birds and around 100 seals.

Seal sands 1
Seal sands 2
Seal sands 3
Seal sands 4

The colony of grey seals haul out on the sand banks at low tides. Seal Sands is the only regular breeding colony of these animals on England’s north-east coast. Their pups are born here each summer.

On this occasion one of seals was putting on a bit of a show in the river (see shot 3). Didn’t quite mange to catch her looping out of the water and might need a longer lens next time!

Interested in finding this oasis for yourself? Checkout the official leaflet.



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